Friday, August 3, 2007

Tough Times in Goodville

Both of these guys are in tough shape

Good-ville is the name given to the town of Fairhaven by the boys of the "hood" in New Bedford. Compared to the city kids, Fairhaven-ites are right out of the movie Pleasant-ville.

Every night I meet my neighbor for a long walk with our dogs. He has one that looks just like boo boo, and I have two hunting dogs that my wife has taken out the hunt by spoiling them so much.

My neighbor recently quit smoking and Wednesday he was admitted to hospital with a collapsed lung. Last night a noise in my dining room got me up to witness one of my dogs having a stroke. (the white one). They are both in the hospital and receiving good care. The dog Riley is 11, the neighbor Brandon is 23. This morning on the walk there was a dog and a friend conspicuously absent. It was kind of sad, but there "was" less shit to pick up.


  1. Oh man! Those are some tough breaks. I hope everyone recovers well and is out walking together again soon.

    I'm assuming the collapsed lung wasn't due to quitting smoking. What happened there?

  2. yeah really -- quitting smoking causes collapsed lung?
